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HomenewsAttempted Chieftain Assassination: CUPP Wants Police IG Out

Attempted Chieftain Assassination: CUPP Wants Police IG Out

Charges Police, Imo Government With Cover-Up

Usman Alkali Baba, the Inspector-General of Police, has been brought into question by the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) for which it has dubbed culpable dereliction of duty.

Recall that on January 14, 2023, armed individuals who were not identified stormed the Akokwa family residence in Ugochinyere, Ideato North Local Government Area, Imo State, with great brutality.

CUPP that the IGP be removed from his position at a news conference on Monday in Lagos after the main suspect, Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere, brazenly threatened to harm the Coalition’s national spokeswoman on January 19th.

The National Co-Spokesperson of the Coalition, Comrade Mark Adebayo, while addressing newsmen, frowned at what he referred to as police criminal conspiracy with suspects in the violent attack against the CUPP chieftain, which led to three deaths including Ugochinyere’s paternal uncle.

Adebayo alleged that the Police authorities are engaging in a cover-up scheme in a criminal incident of that magnitude in cahoots with the Imo State government.

According to Adebayo, “It is extremely baffling and disappointing that ten days after those hired terrorists carried out their horrific attacks against Ikenga, no arrests have been made despite overwhelming evidence as to who could have planned, sponsored and executed that carnage.

“Let us make it clear that the CUPP stands by our earlier allegation that the Imo State government is culpable in this death and destruction that occurred that fateful January 14 day at Akokwa. The plan was to assassinate Ikenga but God surpassed them.

“It is more disappointing and much painful that the Nigeria Police have refused to play their constitutional role of arresting the suspected sponsors of that crime despite establishing indubitable prima facie evidence against one Chinasa Nwaneri who openly threatened Ikenga that he would deal with him among other severe threats on phone.

“A petition to that effect was sent to the police authorities but without any action until that fatal arson was carried out and even till now, Chinasa Nwaneri, an aide to the Imo State Governor, who called Ikenga Ugochinyere on his phone to threaten his life and family days before the heinous attack, is still walking free and boasting about that he would not rest until Ikenga is finally silenced.

“A prima facie evidence of threat to life and property has been established against Mr Chinasa Nwaneri prior to the actual execution of the arson, murders and attempted assassination of Ikenga. No action was taken by the Police to prevent Chinasa from carrying out his threats and the Police have not deemed it fit to invite this suspected murderer and arsonist after he made true his threats.

“The CUPP suspects an attempt by the Police authorities at the highest levels to cover up these heinous crimes in cahoots with the Imo state government. This is especially as the Imo state governor, Hope Nzodinma has publicly claimed that he knows those who unleashed the terrorist attacks on Ikenga that claimed the lives of his supporters and his uncle.

“The governor claimed that he had security reports that revealed that a meeting was held with the purpose of carrying out the violent attacks against Ikenga before it happened but chose to do nothing about it. It is only an irresponsible or a criminally culpable governor who can do this.

“We challenge Governor Nzodinma to publish the names of those involved, dates and locations where the pre-attack meetings were held and to also explain why he didn’t take any action to forestall it if he didn’t know anything about it.”

The Co-Spokesperson of the Coalition maintained that despite the attack, “the coalition still remains confident that its spokesperson, Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere would win his House of Representatives election for Ideato Federal Constituency of Imo state on February 25, 2023 despite the carnage unleashed on him.”

However, the coalition was vehement in its insistence that, “should the IGP fail to act on the petition against Chinasa Nwaneri, he should either resign or be fired by Mr. President, who has pledged a level playing field for all in the coming elections,” Adebayo added.

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