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Lockdown Pallatives: Christ Embassy Donates 2000 Packages, Feeds 3000 Households In Abuja

FCT Minister of State, Dr. Ramatu Tijani Aliyu,receive covid-19 palliative pacKate for 3,000
FCT Minister of State, Dr. Ramatu Tijani Aliyu,receive covid-19 palliative pacKate for 3,000


Christ Embassy, Abuja Ministry Centre in collaboration with the Innercity Mission for Children on Friday donated 2000 packages of food items to the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) for onward distribution to vulnerable members in the territory to cushion the effect of sit-at-hom presidential order.

Making the donations, the Senior Pastor of Abuja Ministry Centre, Rev. Tom Amenkhienan, said that the gesture was in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ to reach-out to the poor in time of needs.  

He, however, revealed that the ministry had fed over 3000 households in Waru, Wassa, Kuchigoro, Durumi 1, Durumi 11, Durumi 111, Asokoro Extension all in the Federal Capital Territory during the lockdown period, adding that provisions have been made for over 50 orphanages in the territory.  

His words: “I am glad to be here today with some of our senior ministers and pastors to tell you that we recognize your efforts to reach-out to residents of the Federal Capital Territory at this time of pandemic. Let me begin by saying thank you to our dear man of God, Dr. Rev. Christ Oyakhilome, who has raised us to be agents of change and to reach out for the human need and meet that need.  

FCT Minister of State, Dr. Ramatu, Tijani Aliyu receives palliative for 3,000 households from Christ Embassy
FCT Minister of State, Dr. Ramatu, Tijani Aliyu receives palliative for 3,000 households from Christ Embassy

“So seeing the crisis that the whole world has been plunged into by the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to reach-out in collaboration with the Innercity Mission for Children under the auspices of Christ Oyakhilome Foundation to reach-out to many communities.  

“A few days ago, we reached out to over 10 communities to give out food to over 3000 families in Waru, Wassa, Kuchigoro, Durumi 1, Durumi 11, Durumi 111, Asokoro Extension to name a few. We have concluded that exercise and move ahead to make provisions for 50 orphanages to be distributed by ourselves.  

“But to compliment the work that you are doing, seeing that you have sent out to bring some palliatives, we decided to come today with 2000 packages to reach-out to 2000 families and in each of them contain rice, beans, yam, garri, and 2000 face masks you can help the community with, and 250 hand sanitizers.  

“We believe that God has raised us up in the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ to reach-out to the needy, visit those who are sick in the hospitals, those in prison and to help those that have needs. So, in line with the life of Christ and his teachings, we are here today to support the efforts of the government and to make available these materials,” Amenkhienan adfed.  

While receiving the palliative items on behalf of the administration, the FCT Minister of State, Dr. Ramatu Tijjani Aliyu, thanked the ministry for identifying with the administration especially at this critical period of COVID-19 pandemic.  

Aliyu, used the occasion to acknowledge the support of the Innercity Mission for Children by renovating and equipping the Maternal and Child Healthcare Centre in Waru community, noting that the project has assisted in no small measure to widen the scope of healthcare delivery system in the nation’s capital.  

According to her, “We want to appreciate the leadership of intercity mission for children under the auspices of Christ Embassy Church, Abuja Centre. Few weeks ago, we where in Waru, where you renovated and equipped a befitting Maternal and Child Healthcare centre for the community. That will go a long way to support the administration’s efforts in healthcare delivery system. Keep on doing the good works you are known for. We appreciate your desire to give back to the society.  

“We do everything in the FCT Administration with the fear of God. This pandemic period is not a time we wish for, but you have demonstrated that a friend in need is a friend indeed. We are grateful to every organisation that has surprisingly come out to support us to cushion the effect of sit-at-home which has been the best way out globally”, she said.  

She, however, assured that the donated palliative items would be distributed to vulnerable communities and workers on frontline in the battle against the Covid-19.

COVID-19: Samsung’s Heavy Donates 5,000 Testing Kits To Nigeria

Minister of State for Health, Dr. Olorunnibe Mamora receives covid 19 test kits from officials of Samsung Heavy Industries, Nigeria
Minister of State for Health, Dr. Olorunnibe Mamora receives covid 19 test kits from officials of Samsung Heavy Industries, Nigeria


The Federal Government, through the Federal Ministry of Health has received 5, 000 testing kits from Samsung Heavy Industries, Nigeria to boost the containment of the dreaded COVID-19 in Nigeria.

Minister of State for Health, Dr. Olorunnimbe Mamora who received the items from the delegation of Samsung Heavy Industries, Nigeria led by Ju-Yeol LEE, Counselor/Economy, Embassy of Republic of Korea at the Ministry’s headquarters, Abuja on Thursday, described the donation as very significant.

The Minister said they are very important saying that testing is the starting point before isolation and treatment of COVID-19 positive persons.

Minister of State for Health, Dr. Olorunnibe Mamora receives officials of Samsung Heavy Industries, Nigeria
Minister of State for Health, Dr. Olorunnibe Mamora receives officials of Samsung Heavy Industries, Nigeria

Mamora assured the delegate that the testing kits would be delivered to appropriate testing locations.

The Minister of State for Health, congratulated the Republic of Korea for defeating and coming out from COVID-19 successfully, adding that with their technical supports, Nigeria would very soon come out of the pandemic disease.

Earlier, the leader of the delegation of Samsung Heavy Industries, Nigeria, Ju-Yeol LEE, Counsellor/Economy in the Embassy of Republic of Korea in Nigeria said that its companies produce a good number of items that could be vital in the fight against Corona Virus.

He assured that Samsung Heavy Industries, Nigeria and Republic of Korea would continue to partner with Nigeria to ensure that COVID-19 is scrapped from the country. He commended the efforts of the Health Ministry and the Federal Government on the steps put in place to contain the disease.

Covid-19: Nigeria Has Capacity To Manufacture PPEs , Health Minister

Dr. Osagie Ehanire, Minister of Health
Dr. Osagie Ehanire, Minister of Health


The Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire has hinted that Nigeria has the capacity to manufacture many of the Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) we presently import and are in high demand globally.

While adding that the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology demonstrated innovative capabilities to participate in finding solutions to the problem of shortages in commodities and equipment.

He gave this hint at a daily briefing of the presidential Task Force on Covid-19 on Abuja, saying, We are convinced that Nigeria has the potential to manufacture many of the commodities we presently import, which presently high global demand also make difficult to come by.

He revealed that the Federal Government through the
National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) is adapting the infrastructure for demand creation in its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Minister of Health, Osagie Ehanire, this approach will be useful for the engagement of communities and population mobilisation.

Ehanire stated that the training of health workers will also be fast tracked in new high burden States, as is being conducted in Kano State, with focus on needs identified by State Commissioners of Health, whom the Federal Ministry of Health has been engaging, to define the training and capacity building deficits.

He further stated that, the Ministerial team of FMoH left en route to Lokoja today to work with the Kogi State government. It includes officials of NCDC and Dept. of Hospital Services of the Ministry of Health. They will ensure that the state has adequate testing capacity and shall also advocate for the engagement of traditional rulers and community leaders in surveillance efforts of the State.

According to him, “Nigeria now has 3,145 persons confirmed to have COVID-1 in 34 states and the Federal Capital Territory. The 195 persons who tested positive yesterday, were reported in 13 states distributed as follows: 82 in Lagos, 30 in Kano, 19 in Zamfara, 18 in Sokoto, 10 in Borno, 9 in FCT, 8 in Oyo, 5 each in Gombe and Kebbi, 4 in Ogun, 3 in Katsina, and 1 each in Adamawa and Kaduna. Sadly, 103 COVID-19 related fatalities have been recorded, however, 534 persons have recovered and been discharged.

“21 laboratories nationwide are now operational for covid-19 testing, as we work to drive up demand. The Laboratories in Kano were directed to work in shifts, to reducie the turnaround time for testing”, he added

Speaking on the Kano issue, the minister said that the Ministry of Health’s Task Team to Kano is collaborating intimately and fully engaged in remediation activities, strongly emphasizing training and capacity building for all personnel, in order to help rebuild manpower in State and Federal health facilities. This includes non-medical personnel such as cleaners, porters and security guards, especially in the COVID-19 isolation and treatment centres. The intensive training is essential to minimise the risk of infection of personnel in the line of duty, which is becoming a major challenge in various parts of Nigeria. We do not have the latitude of having so many essential health workers in treatment or Isolation, and being out of service in these critical times.

He further stated that, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control routinely replenishes stocks of personal protective equipment to State Emergency Operations Centres and the Federal Tertiary Health Institutions to ensure that our health workers are protected. But I also take the opportunity to again appeal to all Health professionals and associated personnel, to diligently follow all safety and infection prevention and control protocols both inside and outside Health facilities and not to indulge in unauthorized treatment of covid 19 cases.

He also joined the SGF in welcoming the first batch of Nigerian nationals, who were successfully repatriated yesterday evening to Lagos from Dubai. They have entered into mandatory supervised 14-day quarantine, in 2 designated hotels, in line with laid down protocols. They will be tested for COVID-19 and any person testing positive shall be invited to a treatment facility.

He , therefore, appealed to returning citizens to bear with us and cooperate with authorities, especially if they perceive imperfections in our arrangements, as this is a test run, the first of these excercises. I shall here also request all states to embark on preparing at least 300 bed spaces for COVID-19 isolation and treatment. As testing is scaled up and more persons with COVID-19 infection are identified, it is necessary that they are safely and securely isolated and treated with dignity until they test negative, to break our chain of transmission.

Covid-19 Pallatives: UN Women Supports Nigeria With N38M

Comfort Lamptey, UN women country representative in Nigeria
Comfort Lamptey, UN women country representative in Nigeria


The UN Women is contributing N38 million to the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs to provide palliatives for vulnerable Nigerian women as part of the ongoing efforts to support the Federal Government of Nigeria on the COVID-19 response.

The donation was officially presented today in Abuja, to the Minister of Women Affairs, Dame Pauline Tallen, by the UN Women Representative to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Ms. Comfort Lamptey.

She said that, the funds will be channeled towards the procurement and distribution of relief and hygiene supplies including food items, soap, masks and sanitizers, which will be procured from women-owned businesses.

According to her, “These palliative measures are targeted at reaching 12,600 vulnerable women and girls who have been worst hit by the effects of the crisis, in 14 states across the six geo-political zones in Nigeria. 

“Through the oversight and supervision of the Ministry of Women Affairs, in collaboration with women’s organizations and networks in the targeted states, including the Nigeria chapter of the Africa Women Leaders Network (AWLN), the leadership role of women will be underlined throughout this pilot partnership effort: from the process of procurement of the palliatives from women-owned businesses, the identification of vulnerable households in the states in collaboration with women’s organizations, to the monitoring of the distribution of the palliative materials for vulnerable women. 

“Women in Nigeria make up 47.8 % of sole owners of microenterprises and 22 % of SMEs, with a high concentration in specific economic sectors, such as wholesa​le, manufacturing, accommodation, food services and agriculture. These women-led enterprises will be heavily impacted by disruptions in supply chains and closure of markets; impacting on their ability to feed their families and be independent,” said Ms. Lamptey.

“Whilst the pandemic is one that affects all spheres of society, women and girls are being more adversely affected by violence, food insecurity and loss of income. Additionally, women and girls are the bearers of an unfair burden of care. During this time, they are most likely to be responsible for caring and providing for households including sick relatives,” she stated.

She further stated that, the UN Women through its support to the Ministry of Women Affairs will continue to contribute to strengthening the resilience and coping capacities of some of the most affected households, including vulnerable female-headed households, poor women with disabilities, and those affected by conflict in the country. The targeted support is also geared at improving the awareness and adoption of hygiene practices as measures to prevent the target beneficiaries and their communities from contracting the COVID-19 disease. 

Earlier, the Minister of Women Affairs, Dame Pauline Tallen thanked UN Women for the gracious donation and show of support.

She highlighted the efforts and resilience of Nigerian women during this challenging time and commended the efforts of frontline workers and journalists for their selfless service. “Support will be prioritized for the most vulnerable women and those women who earn a daily income.”

She also thanked the UN family in Nigeria, under the leadership of the Resident Coordinator, Mr. Edward Kallon, for highlighting the need to prioritize women’s empowerment through the UN-managed Basket Fund to guide the COVID-19 response in Nigeria.

The Executive Director of UN Women, Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka has made the call to governments and stakeholders worldwide to integrate protection policies for women in their COVID response plans: “Where governments or businesses put income protection in place, this can ease these dilemmas, sustain incomes and avoid driving households into poverty. This response must also include those in the informal economy, where most women who work outside home make their livelihood. Such social protection is best directed specifically to women.”

Lockdown Interstate Ban: FCT Minister Appeals To Army For Support

FCT Minister Mallam Mohammmad Bello receive PIPes from Nigeria Army
FCT Minister Mallam Mohammad Bello receive PIPes from Nigeria Army

…As Army Donates PPEs To FCTA


Malam Muhammad Musa Bello, the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) has appealed to Nigerian Army to help enforce the ban on interstate travels in and out of the FCT, to ensure that the successes recorded so far in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the FCT are not eroded.

He gave this appeal on Wednesday while receiving delegation from the Nigerian Army Headquarters, who were on a visit to present Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the FCT Administration, adding, the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic was at a very critical stage and required the support of the army to proceed further.

He further stated that, “We have now reached a phase in the fight of the pandemic that is very critical, particularly for us in the FCT. But for us to be able to sustain the efforts, we would like to appeal to the Army High Command to continue to support us, with respect to the lockdown enforcements within the Territory itself, especially at the entry and exit points of the Territory.”

Bello, however, explained that it was necessary to enforce the ban on interstate travels to ensure that those who are infected within the Territory do not spread the virus if allowed to leave and those infected from outside the FCT do not infect residents if allowed to come in.

The minister on behalf of the FCT Administration also expressed appreciation to the Nigerian Army for the Personal Protective Equipment donated to the FCT saying that the PPEs received will go a long way in supporting the frontline medical officers who have been working tirelessly over the last six weeks to fight the pandemic.

He also acknowledged the tremendous cooperation and support that the FCT Administration has been receiving from the Nigerian Army in the areas of enforcement and security related activities.

Earlier while presenting the PPEs on behalf of the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Buratai and the Nigerian Army, the leader of the delegation, Maj. General H.I Bature, Chief of Civil – Army relations, Army Headquarters, Abuja, assured that the Nigerian Army is always willing to support the Administration’s efforts at curbing the threat of COVID-19 in the country.

Mallam Mohammed  Bello receive delegation of Nigeria that brought PPEs to combat covid-19
Mallam Mohammed Bello receive delegation of Nigeria that brought PPEs to combat covid-19

Maj. General Bature further explained that the donations were part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts of the Nigerian Army as well as the continuation of the drive towards strengthening the civil/military relationship in the Federal Capital Territory.

Items donated to the FCTA include personal protective suits, face masks, hand sanitizers, hand gloves and buckets.

The delegation was jointly received by the Minister of State, FCT, Dr. Ramatu Tijani Aliyu, Permanent Secretary, Sir Chinyeaka Ohaa as well as other top officials of the FCT Administration.

Covid-19: Nigeria Army Donates PPE, Facemasks, Others To FCT

Nigeria army donate protective gear to fcta
Nigeria army donate protective gear to fcta


The Nigeria Army on Wednesday donated Personal Protecting Equipments (PPE) to the FCT Administration in its effort to curtail the spread of the dreaded COVID-19 in the nation’s capital.

The Chief of Army Staff Lieutenants General Yusuf Tukur Buratai made this known while donating PPEs, Facemasks, hand sanitizer and others to the Federal Capital Territory Administration.

Saying, “we remain resolute in supporting the Federal government effort in ensuring the welfare and well-being of its citizens”.

Buratai who was represented by Major General Hamza Ibrahim Bature said the gesture was part of the Nigerian Army Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) as well as the continuation of the Nigeria Army drive to straighten the civil military relationship.

According to him, ” we are here to present on behalf of the Nigeria Army Personal Protecting Equipment, (PPE). It is my pleasure to announce to you the following items, protecting suit- 100 copies, face mask- 2000 pieces, hand sanitizer- 200 pieces, hand bin- 1000 pieces and 120 buckets”.

He, however, hope the items donated to the administration will go a long way in supporting the Federal Capital Territory Administration efforts in curbing the COVID -19 pandemic in the territory.

Nigeria army donate protective gear to federal capita territory administration
Nigeria army donate protective gear to federal capita territory administration

While receiving the items on behalf of the Administration, the FCT Minister, Malam Mohammad Musa Bello commended the Nigerian Army for the donations towards the fight to combat the dreaded Coronavirus.

Bello assured the Army Commander that the items donated will go a long way in supporting the administration fight against the COVID-19.

Similarly, the FCT Minister of State, Dr Ramatu Tijjani Aliyu who is also the Chairman FCT COVID-19 Palliative Committee noted that the scourge will come to an end in no distance time but the relationship between the Nigerian Army and the Chief of Army Staff and the FCT Administration will remain for a long time.

protective gear that the Nigeria  Army donates to the Federal Capital Territory Administration
protective gear that the Nigeria Army donates to the Federal Capital Territory Administration

Commenting on the interstate ban nationwide to curtail the spread of the dreaded Coronavirus, Dr Aliyu solicited the support of the Nigerian Army to compliment the effort of the administration in protecting the territory against those coming into the city from neighbouring states and those going out of the territory to infect other people.

Ease of Lockdown Depends On Nigerians Adherence To PTF Guidelines, Minister

Nigeria presidential task force on covid-19
Nigeria presidential task force on covid-19


Dr. Osagie Ehanire, the Minister of Health has said that the value of the tentative easing of the lockdown by President Muhammadu Buhari depends largely on Nigerians adherence to the Presidential Task Force guidelines, Saying, this is even more critical, as the restrictions have been relaxed.

Ehanire made this known at the daily briefing of the Presidential Task Force on Covid-19, while adding that we are clearly in community transmission phase, where much now depends on individual and collective behaviour and the urgency of behavior change communication becomes apparent.

The minister further stated that, Knowledge so far gathered about COVID-19 needs to be converted into practice, because our safety, now more than ever, depends on all of us.

He urged Nigerians to adhere to public health advisories (wearing our face masks, observing social distancing, practicing hand washing or sanitizing, standard respiratory hygiene, avoiding crowded places and all manner of non-essential travel, as well as reporting when we feel unwell, or someone close to us has symptoms of Infection. If not, we expose ourselves and our loved ones to risk and inadvertently increase the period this virus will be with us and make life worse for all of us. For example, large crowds reported at certain events and the movement and repatriation of persons from one State to the other, do contribute to the problem and do not indicate a good understanding of the urgency of the situation. Therefore, I again appeal for considerate and responsible social adjustment to the challenges Nigeria faces.

According to him, while we are striving to increase our testing capacity, we have noted the complaints about turn around time to get the results of tests conducted. We are doing what we can to resolve them. We have also continued to train and retrain our health care workers as well as provide them with the necessary personal protective equipment.

“Community mobilizers have been deployed at the grassroots to continue to sensitize our people through the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency. I participated earlier this week in a teleconference of Northern Traditional Leaders Committee organized by NPHCDA, in which the need for urgent engagement of all traditional, religious and community gatekeepers was emphasized and agreed on.

“We are encouraging and supporting States to increase the number of isolation centres nationwide, and we are extremely grateful to Corporate Organizations and Philanthropists who have donated Isolation facilities, diagnostic equipment, commodities and sundry supplies relevant to our response efforts to COVID-19 threat. One example is the This day Dome, which has been purposed by donors, to be a 320 bed Isolation Center with a 10 bed ICU, which is to be commissioned next week to significantly ease the supply of bed spaces.

“With regard to Kano, progress has been made in collaboration efforts with the State EOC to restore routine medical services to hospitals and further drive the ongoing investigations.

“Organized ambulance service is already in operation bringing relief to citizens who need to access medical services, especially in view of restrictions of movement and also in emergency situations.

The Fedeal Ministry of Health is sending supporting teams to Sakoto and Katsina for training and capacity building in case management and Infection prevention and control in the hospital setting. Other States shall follow at short intervals, to assist the State Ministries of Heakth in their response to the COVID-19 threat.”, he explained.

I also wish to appreciate the efforts of traditional rulers and religious leaders in sensitizing our people to the importance of compliance with COVID-19 infection prevention measures.

He also, thanked all frontline and backroom workers- health care givers, hygienists, security, drivers, porters and others, for their tireless efforts and to continue to adhere to self protection regulations.

He also commended all citizens for adhering to the infection, prevention and control and non pharmaceutical intervention advisories.

Lockdown Curfew: FCT Apprehends Night Travellers From Neighbouring States

Ikharo Attah
Chairman FCT covid-19 enforcement task force


The Federal Capital Territory FCT Administrations (FCTA) Covid-19 lockdown Enforcement Team on Tuesday night arrested vehicles conveying over 43 passengers to different parts of the country.

The Chairman of the Enforcement Team, Comrade Ikharo Attah gave this hint on Wednesday, said the occupants of the vehicles, largely commercial buses breached the night curfew imposed on the territory and were heading to Kano, Niger and Kaduna states, while a few of them from neighbouring states were also heading to some parts of the FCT.

Attah, however, noted that the violators were all apprehended at the popular AYA Roundabout in Asokoro District of the FCT.

His words: the drivers and motorists were immediately turned back and escorted by security personnel out of the Federal Capital Territory.

“Some of the FCT bound passengers, including a woman and her two children, came in from Benue state. Despite the curfew imposed by the president many persons are still adamant on breaking the order” Attah lamented.

He, therefore, called on enforcement officers in states contiguous to the FCT to wake up to their responsibilities by ensuring that motorists do not cross their checkpoints during the period of the current ban on interstate movement.

He also queried why “security men would allow violators of the presidential order to travel freely at night despite the numerous checkpoints mounted by various security agencies across the country.”

“Also the team met a lady who was robbed and stabbed by a suspected ‘one-chance’ driver. We took her to the Maitama Hospital where doctors attended to her at the Emergency Ward”, he added.

World Hand Hygiene Day: Less Than 50% Households In Sub-Saharan Africa Have Basic Handwashing Facilities, Moeti

Regional Director for Africa, WHO


Basic handwashing facilities with soap and water are available in less than 50% of households in Sub-Saharan Africa, the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti has said.

While adding that, in response to COVID-19, more and more handwashing points are being set-up, and we need to look at longer-term solutions to sustainably increase access.

She made this known in her message to commemorate the 2020 World Hand Hygiene Day, saying, every year, on 5 May, we celebrate World Hand Hygiene Day. This year, as we battle the COVID-19 pandemic, the life-saving importance of clean hands has never been more prominent.

She buttresed that, there is an urgent need to scale-up access to water across the continent. In Sub-Saharan Africa, more than one in four health-care facilities have no water service. An increasing number of facilities are producing alcohol-based hand rubs locally, but this is not a substitute for a safe, reliable water supply.

Over the past 20 years, progress on access to water in Sub-Saharan Africa is mixed. The number of people using unimproved sources remained the same. The number using surface water decreased by one third. The number of people travelling 30 minutes or more roundtrip to collect water, more than doubled, and this burden falls mainly on women and girls.

Moeti, however, called on governments, private sector partners, innovators, scientists and communities, to invest in access to water for health facilities and households. COVID-19 is shining a light on inequities in access to basic services and we have an opportunity to improve access to water for vulnerable communities.

She further stated that, “We can protect ourselves and our families by frequently washing our hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.

Hand hygiene, along with physical distancing, respiratory etiquette and disinfecting surfaces are the basic preventive measures for a range of diseases, including COVID-19.

Matshidiso Moeti

In this context, several African countries are providing water to communities free-of-charge as part of the national response, so that more people can wash their hands.

“In celebration of the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, this theme of World Hand Hygiene Day 2020 is “nurses and midwives, clean care is in your hands” because infection prevention and control, including hand hygiene, is important in all settings.

It is especially important in health-care facilities as part of ensuring quality patient care.

Matshidiso Moeti

The Regional Director hinted that, WHO is working with countries, the World Food Programme and other partners to ensure health workers have essential supplies, such as personal protective equipment, including gloves. In recent weeks, we delivered replenishments to more than 50 African countries.

We are also working with sub-regional nursing associations and other partners and have trained more than 3000 health workers via interactive virtual seminars, including demonstrating good hand hygiene, she added.

Int’nal Day Of The Midwife: Appreciate Valuable Contribution Of Midwives In Healthcare Teams, WHO

WHO Regional Director for Africa


The WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti said it has become imperative that Africans appreciate the valuable contribution of midwives in health-care teams.

Saying, 1 in 2 which accounts for 53% of African midwives have reported feeling disrespected by fellow health workers in the course of their work.

Moeti made this known in her message to commemorate the 2020 International Day of the Midwife to recognize the vital roles of midwives in assisting women with pregnancy, childbirth and during the postpartum period.

The theme for the International Day of the Midwife this year is “Midwives with women: celebrate, demonstrate, mobilize, unite,” which emphasizes the importance of mobilizing communities and maintaining provision of essential health services, particularly as countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to her, “In the African Region, between 2000 and 2017, maternal and newborn deaths have declined by 40% in the African Region, thanks largely to the commitment of midwives working with other health professionals.

“Countries are making strides in improving the skill and working environment for midwives. Ghana has introduced a graduate diploma in midwifery and revised job descriptions to give midwives more autonomy. Lesotho is also interested in providing advanced levels of pre-service training.

“In the African Region, WHO has worked with countries to strengthen regulatory frameworks, and competency-based and standardized education, training and practice for midwives, including integrated training for nursing and midwifery. Faith-based training institutions in Botswana, Cameroon, Lesotho and Malawi are all using WHO’s midwifery curricula. Experts from Sierra Leone, Zambia and WHO collaborating centres on nursing and midwifery are supporting several countries to review their curricula and regulatory instruments in line with WHO guidance.

“In the COVID-19 response, we are training nurses and midwives in infection prevention and control to limit the transmission of this virus in health facilities. So far, over 3000 front-line health workers, including midwives, have participated in webinars. These activities complement trainings led by chief nurses and midwifery officers in countries.

“Countries are also making sure essential health services, like safe deliveries, are not disrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Malawi, for instance, risk allowances for health workers, including midwives, have been increased, and 2000 more health workers have been recruited including 700 nurse and midwives”, she stated.

Moving forward, we must ensure that the voices, perspectives and leadership of midwives, nurses and women are included and respected.

The Regional Director, therefore, called on governments, academic institutions, civil society organizations, and partners to invest in midwifery development from education to practice with appropriate regulatory frameworks, support materials and human resources. This is imperative to improve health outcomes for women and infants.

She congratulated midwives across the Africa Region for your professionalism and commitment to ensuring the safety of mothers and their newborn babies, even on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.