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HomeEducationNANS Seeking Visa Denials For Human Rights Violators

NANS Seeking Visa Denials For Human Rights Violators

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has called on the international community to refuse any human rights violators visas to travel abroad.

Sunday Asefon, the President of NANS, issued a statement criticizing security forces’ brutality in relation to the 2020 organized against the Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS).

The students’ group demanded that the security officers indicted by various panels set up by governments to investigate allegations of human rights violations in Nigeria be prosecuted immediately.

NANS has also threatened to file a complaint with the United Nations Human Rights Council, as well as the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America, for alleged human rights breaches against innocent Nigerians.

Despite the days-long 2020 protests, Asefon highlighted the fact that young Nigerians are subjected to painful torture at the hands of security forces on a daily basis.

In due time, he notified the federal government and the governments of each state of the federation to begin diligent prosecution of individuals whose activities had resulted in the death, deprivation, and maiming of innocent Nigerians.

Asefon said: “The NANS shall by this notice, also petitions the United Nations Human Rights Council, governments of the United States and United Kingdom, to immediately initiate a process of visa cancelation of these identified perpetrators of crime against Nigerian young people.

“Beyond the nationwide commemoration, characterised by street protests and processions, the NANS used the opportunity of today’s ENDSARS memorial events, to review the incidences of October 20, 2020 and make specific demands from the Nigerian government, towards ensuring that we avoid a repeat of the unfortunate incident of October 20, 2020.

“Considering the commitment of the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, to finding a meaningful resolution to the crisis created by the agitations for an end to police brutality.

“The foregoing is coupled with several  evidence gathered from our Independent findings, through series of stakeholders engagements,  via video footages and hospital reports, which have now confirmed that, the Nigerian Army operatives opened fire on thousands of young Nigerians who were peacefully gathered at the Lekki toll gate on October 20, 2020.

“This  action that was followed up by subsequent assault on injured and other protesters by operatives of the Nigerian Police force in the later hours of same day.

“Consequent upon the above and ultimately in the spirit of ensuring justice for the severally injured and murdered young Nigerians, as now confirmed by various evidences, the NANS hereby demand” for the immediate arrest and prosecution of every operative and officers of the Nigerian Army, the police and particularly their commanding officers in Lagos, and  other parts of Nigeria, where young Nigerians were murdered on October 20″.

 The NANS president issued a seven days ultimatum, to the leadership of the Nigerian Army and the Nigeria Police force, to provide everyone involved in this crime against humanity, without further delay. 

NANS threatened that they are determined to hit the streets, to ensure that justice is delivered to all  fallen heroes, as it  struggles to ensure an end to police brutality and all forms of human rights abuses in the  country.

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