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HomePoliticsTriumphant Women: A Call to Compassion, Service, Says Pastor Amos Okemuyiwa

Triumphant Women: A Call to Compassion, Service, Says Pastor Amos Okemuyiwa

Pastor Amos Okemuyiwa of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) FCT Province 7, drew profound lessons from the lives of biblical women, urging modern-day believers to embody their virtues of compassion, service, and unwavering faith.

He made this known in his address of welcome during the 2024 Sister’s Convention with the theme “Triumphant Women of the Right Hand,” Pastor Okemuyiwa inspired attendees to reflect on their roles in God’s redemptive plan, highlighting the triumphs of women like Esther, Deborah, and Ruth who trusted God and changed the course of history.

Quoting from Matthew 25:34-46, Pastor Okemuyiwa emphasized the significance of acts of kindness and service, which Jesus highlighted as the criteria for inheriting the kingdom of God. “The King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’ This promise is extended to all who live according to the will of God, exemplifying love, compassion, and service to others,” he stated.

Pastor Okemuyiwa highlighted the extraordinary impact of biblical figures like Esther, Ruth, and the unnamed woman who anointed Jesus. “Consider Esther, whose bravery and obedience to God saved her people from destruction. Her declaration, ‘If I perish, I perish,’ showcases the depth of her faith and commitment,” he noted. Similarly, Ruth’s loyalty and humility made her a key figure in the lineage of Jesus Christ, demonstrating the profound influence of women who trust in God’s providence.

Drawing from the story of the woman who anointed Jesus with costly perfume, Pastor Okemuyiwa underscored the importance of acts of love and devotion. “Though criticized by some, Jesus commended her, saying, ‘She has done a beautiful thing to me.’ Her act foreshadowed Jesus’ sacrifice and highlighted the transformative power of genuine devotion,” he explained.

Pastor Okemuyiwa called on contemporary Christian women to draw inspiration from these biblical examples and apply their lessons in their daily lives. “We need to be women of prayer, compassion, and courage, reaching out to the marginalized and oppressed with the love of Christ. Our actions today will shape the Nigeria of tomorrow,” he urged.

In his closing remarks, Pastor Okemuyiwa reiterated the importance of living out the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 25:40: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” He encouraged the congregation to serve others with humility and love, thereby fulfilling their divine purpose and inheriting the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world.

The welcome address, rich with biblical references and contemporary applications, served as a clarion call for believers to embody the virtues of triumphant women, making a significant impact in their communities and beyond.

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